Meta keywords
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Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: association, asso, gay, lgbt, lesbiennes, discriminations, racisme, sexe, homosexualité, homosexuel, homo, orientation, gaypride, mariage, tous, famille, pma, égalité, droits, handicap, santé, preventions, 17, mai, homophobie, sos, tetu, yagg, radio, webradio, musique, blog, forum, rencontres, tchat, site, exclusion, sociale, misere, sdf, suicide, jeunes, france, bordeaux, origine, race, politique, emission, equality, liberté, respect, difference, vivre, ensemble, discussions, ecoute, ligne, article, lois, textes, toutes, conseil, stop, lutte, combat, militant, blog, podcast, direct, live, gironde, ensemble, adoption, enfants, sida, mst, cancer, sidaction, telethon, sexe, sexualité, photos, videos, justice, ps, skype, socialiste, ump, monde, page, groupe, facebook, twitter, social, refuge, rejet, exclu, solitude, isolement, inter, violence, injure, agression, contre, femmes, conjugale, hommes, noir, race, antisemitisme, xenophobie, marche, fiertés, paris, media, presse, accueil, local, bar, sauna, discotheque, lieu, agenda, programme, annuaire, image, service, tous, toutes, sortie, 1901, monde, international, journee, chat, gratuit, adhesion, convivial, amis, amour, amitié, solidarité, caritative, humanitaire, humain, loisirs, physique, moral, psychologique, moteur, talents, artistes, chanteur, lien, espace, equal, glbt, bi, trans, transexuel, transgenre, bisexualité, travesti, bisexuel, journal, expression, libre, centre, youtube, homoparentalité, parents, friend, love, friendly, manifs, manifestation, rainbow, aide, aides, citoyens, citoyenneté, temoignage, temoins, victime, boite, nuit, parler, discuter, echange, magazine, web, net, situation, appel, autrui, autre, actus, actualité, don, sang, bear, chubby, pacs, protection, benevole, volontaire, parcours, chomage, vecu, gens, population, personne, unis, force, collectif, vaincre, bordelais, gironde, membres, rights, evenement, public, privé, vie, devoir, handicapé, contact, lire, histoire, world, station, fm, ecoutez, direct, emission, radionomy, tunein, radioline, aquitaine, depression, ados, adolescent, partage, nous, listen, organisation, société, entreprise, partenaire, commerce, sponsor, edition, eradiquer, pauvreté, argent, crise, infos, etat, ministre, general, regional, national, utilité, publique, reconnue, logement, travail, couple, seuls, detente, humour, bonne, humeur, rire, joie, soiree, entre, hits, tubes, 80, 90, 2000, pop, rock, variétés, années, queer, société, municipal, conseiller, projet, générosité, don, vih, groupe, chiffres, cap, chronique, message, gens, trouver, chercher, recherche, etre, avoir, francais, rapport, edition, saison, union, fait, possible, autre, viol, battu, frappé, suis, venir, ecole, genre, theorie, manifeste, porte, parole, interview, formes, menace, diffamation, 1881, franchise, honneteté, serieux, asile, demande, mal, fondamentaux, harcelement, atteinte, dignité, partie, civile, defenseur, halde, guide, dates, pratique, sexuelles, actions, communiqué, flag
Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0
Download List of All Websites using Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0
The Pragma HTTP/1.0 general header is an implementation-specific header that may have various effects along the request-response chain. It is used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches where the Cache-Control HTTP/1.1 header is not yet present.
Meta keywords
Download List of All Websites using Meta keywords
Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: equality, lgbt, gay, homo, lesbienne, bi, trans, discriminations, racisme, handicap, misère, justice, plainte, victimes, travail, logement, loi, lutte, combat, rencontre, homosexuel, association, france, sisteron, alpes, provence, article, forum, blog, chat, tchat, centre, marche, fiertés, gaypride, friendly, sida, mst, sante, homophobie, lesbophobie, transphobie, prevention, ensemble, tous, musique, radio, webradio, famille, homoparentalite, adoption, don, sang, mariages, tous, égalité, droits, mai, 17, journee, mondiale, federation, collectif, reunion, texte, discours, journal, presse, marche, egalite, liberte, droit, droits, ados, jeune, jeunes,
Meta Description
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A meta description is a 160-character snippet, a meta tag in HTML, that summarizes a page`s content. this website is having meta description of the following : Lutte contre toutes les formes de discriminations et pour l'égalité des droits pour tous. Ensemble Respectons les Différences, Vers le Vivre Ensemble.
Vary Header Accept-Encoding
Download List of All Websites using Vary Header Accept-Encoding
The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.
Meta keywords
Download List of All Websites using Meta keywords
Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: webcam, cam, micro, debat, jeux, livre, manifestation, devoir, but, defendre, militant, militer, cause, facebook, twitter, administration, conseil, declaration, homme, femme, hommes, femmes, internet, site, adresse, mail, email, ecrire, skype, msn, communaute, tetu, yagg, lieu, lieux, restaurant, bar, discotheque, emission, resto, sortie
No Cache Content
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Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.
Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control
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Indicates that once a resource has become stale (e.g. max-age has expired), a cache must not use the response to satisfy subsequent requests for this resource without successful validation on the origin server.