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YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform launched by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim in February 2005. After Google, YouTube is the most visited website worldwide, with over one billion monthly users.


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Websites Using Youtube

These are the top websites usings Youtube based on traffic.

Website Office Locations Technology spend Traffic
plus.google.com Very High
itunes.apple.com Very High
maps.google.com Very High
docs.google.com Very High
ad.doubleclick.net Very High
googleads.g.doubleclick.net Very High
forbes.com +100 Very High
apple.com us ph Very High
theguardian.com Very High
sites.google.com Very High
opera.com no sg Very High
mail.google.com Very High
reddit.com ph Very High
accounts.google.com Very High
mozilla.org Very High
irishtimes.com Very High
evernote.com +100 Very High
wsj.com Very High
gmail.com Very High
bbb.org ph us Very High
abcnews.go.com Very High
venturebeat.com us +100 Very High
groups.google.com Very High
nbcnews.com Very High
news.google.com +100 Very High
picasaweb.google.com Very High
openoffice.org Very High
people.com Very High
discogs.com Very High
shutterstock.com Very High
gofundme.com us au Very High
today.com Very High
newyorker.com +100 Very High
nationalarchives.gov.uk gb Very High
calendar.google.com Very High
Website Location Technology spend Traffic