Meta keywords
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Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: 2000-2002, 2000-2002, 2003-2005, 2003-2005, 2006-2008, 2006-2008, 2009-2011, 2009-2011, 2012-2014, 2012-2014, 2015-2017, 2015-2017, card, eldri verk, forsíðuslider, frá 2018, fréttir, from 2018, gagnrýni, kort, news, offers, older pieces, repertoire, reviews, season 2021-2022, sýningarárið 2021-2022, tilboð, ukort, verkefnaskrá, ycard
Keep-Alive for 5 secs
Download List of All Websites using Keep-Alive for 5 secs
The Keep-Alive general header allows the sender to hint about how the connection may be used to set a timeout and a maximum amount of requests.
Vary Header Accept-Encoding
Download List of All Websites using Vary Header Accept-Encoding
The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.