
Find out what technologies ikea.ca is using
Document Standards

HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

Download List of All Websites using HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

   The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP for 31536000 seconds

schema.org micro-markup

schema.org micro-markup

Download List of All Websites using schema.org micro-markup

   Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.


SEO Robots : Allow to index and follow website links

SEO Robots : Allow to index and follow website links

Download List of All Websites using SEO Robots : Allow to index and follow website links

   Meta robots tag is a tag that tells search engines what to follow and what not to follow.

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Download List of All Websites using Vary Header Accept-Encoding

   The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.


Block Content Sniffing

Block Content Sniffing

Download List of All Websites using Block Content Sniffing

   The X-Content-Type-Options response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed and be followed. This allows to opt-out of MIME type sniffing, or, in other words, it is a way to say that the webmasters knew what they were doing.

Email Hosting Providers



Download List of All Websites using SPF

   The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email-authentication technique which is used to prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. With SPF an organisation can publish authorized mail servers.



Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - Width

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - initial-scale

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Viewport  - Mobile compatible

Viewport - Mobile compatible

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - Mobile compatible

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.



English - Language

English - Language

Download List of All Websites using English - Language

   this website is using English as a language parameter

Document Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

Download List of All Websites using Gzip Content-Encoding

   The Content-Encoding entity header is used to compress the media-type. When present, its value indicates which encodings were applied to the entity-body. It lets the client know how to decode in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header.

Document Encoding

Character Encoding :utf-8

Character Encoding :utf-8 (removed)

2021-08-06 / 2021-08-06


Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

2023-05-13 / 2023-05-13


Document Standards

HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

2021-08-06 / 2023-05-13


X-Frame-Options Header

X-Frame-Options Header (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2021-08-06


Meta Description

Meta Description (removed)

2021-08-06 / 2021-08-06


schema.org micro-markup

schema.org micro-markup

2021-08-06 / 2023-05-13


HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only

HSTS - Browser HTTPS Only (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


SEO Robots : Allow to index and follow website links

SEO Robots : Allow to index and follow website links

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


Meta Description

Meta Description (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


Block Content Sniffing

Block Content Sniffing

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


Cache-Control Header Max-Age

Cache-Control Header Max-Age (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2021-08-06


XSS-Protection Header

XSS-Protection Header (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2021-08-06


Analytics and Tracking

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Email Hosting Providers



2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13



Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


Viewport  - Mobile compatible

Viewport - Mobile compatible

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13



English - Language

English - Language

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-13


JavaScript Libraries and Functions

axios  0.18.0

axios 0.18.0 (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Content Delivery Network


Cdnjs (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Profile Details

Last technolgie detected on 2023-05-13 We know of 11 technologies on ikea.ca and 21 technologies detected on ikea.ca since 2019-05-25.

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