Private Cache-Control Header
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The Cache-Control general-header field is used to specify directives for caching mechanisms in both requests and responses. Caching directives are unidirectional, meaning that a given directive in a request is not implying that the same directive is to be given in the response.
Meta Description
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A meta description is a 160-character snippet, a meta tag in HTML, that summarizes a page`s content. this website is having meta description of the following : 佛教音樂免費下載,佛經助印流通處,梵文咒語咒輪免費結緣,佛教維基百科,佛教經典圖書館,世界佛教論壇,釋大寬法師佛學問答,佛像藝術圖像集,電子書免費下載Books,佛網,摩尼網路世界,佛學辭典,藥師經。十大熱門網站,求職網站,新聞電視,影片電影,字典翻譯,購物拍賣,音樂mp3,健康網站,知識雜誌,生活公益,軟體下載,網路書店,搜尋網站。