Meta Description
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A meta description is a 160-character snippet, a meta tag in HTML, that summarizes a page`s content. this website is having meta description of the following : Politics, Counter-Jihad & Anti-Liberalism
Vary Header Accept-Encoding
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The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.
Vary Header check for cookies
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The Vary HTTP response header determines how to match future request headers to decide whether a cached response can be used rather than requesting a fresh one from the origin server. It is used by the server to indicate which headers it used when selecting a representation of a resource in a content negotiation algorithm.
Meta keywords
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Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: Jihad, Jihadist, known, authorities, soldier, hit, car, died, injuries, police, gunfire, struck, two soldiers, car, radicalized, isis, isil, internet, radicalization, islam, allah, occupybawlstreet, occupy bawl street, grizzly joe, blog, blogger, self-radicalized, Muslim convert, Canadian soldier, Ottawa, Facebook, Twitter, forbidden content, algorithms, algorithm, Islamic State, isis, isil, Wall Street Journal, wsj, lone-wolf Jihadists, lone wolf Jihadists, lone wolf, Jihadist, Introducing Canadian Islamic Jihad, Canadian, Islamic Jihad, Violent Radicalization, Islamic Jihad on the Internet, CAIR, #Myjihad, Jihadist propaganda, call to jihad, United Kingdom, uk, u.k., collaboration, government, internet tech giants, Twitter Inc, Facebook Inc, material, authorities, consider, extremist, remove, removed, illegal, not illegal, videos, video, sermons, radical preachers, imam, imams, posts, extremists, Westerners, join, fight, Syria, censorship, filtering, online extremism, #PoliceLivesMatter, #NYPDlivesmatter, nypd,police lives matter, nypd lives matter, breath easy, breath easy don't brake the law, breathe easy obey the law,
XFN 1.1
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XFN is a technical term that is an acronym that stands for “XHTML Friends Network.” This is primarily used by websites that want to create a series of referral links between other websites in order to boost SEO ratings.
Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control
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Indicates that once a resource has become stale (e.g. max-age has expired), a cache must not use the response to satisfy subsequent requests for this resource without successful validation on the origin server.
Cache-Control Header Max-Age
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Specifies the maximum amount of time a resource will be considered fresh. Contrary to Expires, this directive is relative to the time of the request. this website is having max-age=3 secs.