XFN 1.1
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XFN is a technical term that is an acronym that stands for “XHTML Friends Network.” This is primarily used by websites that want to create a series of referral links between other websites in order to boost SEO ratings.
Meta Description
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A meta description is a 160-character snippet, a meta tag in HTML, that summarizes a page`s content. this website is having meta description of the following : Desde 1991 optimizando el packaging de grandes multinacionales con programas para paletizar, carga de contenedor, optimización de envases...
Meta keywords
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Meta keywords are types of meta tags in the HTML source code of a webpage. They describe the content of a website shortly and concisely,this website is using the following keywords: software paletización,paltec,pallet lite,esko,cape pack,truckfill,cape system,cape systems,box selector,tarjetas de visita digitales,programa para paletizar,paletizar,carga de contenedor,carga de contenedor gratis,cubicar pallets,cubicar pale,cubicar palet,cubicar gratis,sotware cubicaje,software cubicaje gratis,paletizacion gratis,optimizacion de carga,calculadora de cajas,calculadora de cajas gratis,calculadora pallet,calculadora pales,calculadora palet,calculadora pallet gratis,calculadora pale gratis,calculadora palet gratis,software gratuito paletizar,simulador pallet,simulador palet,simulador pale,solucion,calcular,dpp,pallet,pallets,palet,palets,pallete,europallet,rack pallet,pallets plasticos,pallet plasticos,pallets plastico,pallet plastico,palletes,pallet madera,porta pallet,camiones,camion,camión,carga,cargas,envase,envases,embalaje,embalajes,alyssa nicole pallet,pallet wrapper,pallet box,box pallet,pallet usados,pallet industrial,pallet design,pallet europeo,pallets usados,dimensiones pallet,pallet maker,compro pallet,palets usados,plastic pallets manufacturers,software pallet,venta pallet,pallet stacking,medidas pallet,pallet medidas,pallet gma,compra pallet,quick pallet maker,mac pallet,ispm 15 pallets,pallet universal,medidas pallet europeo,pallet europeo medidas,pallet americano,que es pallet,precio pallet,mesa pallet,pallets plasticos usados,vendo pallet,pallet plasticos usados,pallet harlow,que es un pallet,pilar pallete,pallet estandar,medida pallet,pallet aereo,pallet para exportacion,pallet fumigados,medidas pallet standard,pallet metalico,quick pallet maker serial,cuanto pesa un pallet,rack para pallet,pallet normalizado,el palleter foro,pallet aluminio,audry pallete,cuanto mide un pallet,pallet antiderrame,pallet español,vendo pallet usados,quick pallet maker gratis,paletizacion,fácil,facil,intuitivo,sencillo,mosaico,mosaicos,caja,cajas,capacidad,maximizar,medida,medidas,tamaño,tamaños,tipo,tipos,altura,peso,estandar,estándar