
Find out what technologies quoteseverlasting.com is using

Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width

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   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - initial-scale

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Content Management System



Download List of All Websites using WordPress

   WordPress is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL that is usually used with the MySQL or MariaDB database servers but can also use the SQLite database engine.

WordPress 4.4.18

WordPress 4.4.18

Download List of All Websites using WordPress 4.4.18

   WordPress is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL that is usually used with the MySQL or MariaDB database servers but can also use the SQLite database engine.

Email Hosting Providers

GoDaddy Email

GoDaddy Email

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   GoDaddy Inc. is an American publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona and incorporated in Delaware.



Google Plus

Google Plus

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   Google+ was an Internet-based social network owned and operated by Google. The network was launched on June 28, 2011 in the attempt to challenge other social networks and for a time linked other Google products like Blogger and YouTube.



Download List of All Websites using Jetpack

   The JetPack is a Automatic’s do-everything plugin for WordPress. It includes a script, devicepx-jetpack.js, which is meant to serve bigger avatar images for high resolution screens.


JavaScript Libraries and Functions

Facebook SDK

Facebook SDK

Download List of All Websites using Facebook SDK

   The Facebook SDK for JavaScript provides a rich set of client-side functionality

Twitter API

Twitter API

Download List of All Websites using Twitter API

   You can access Twitter via the web or your mobile device. To share information on Twitter as widely as possible

Document Standards

Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0

Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0

Download List of All Websites using Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0

   The Pragma HTTP/1.0 general header is an implementation-specific header that may have various effects along the request-response chain. It is used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches where the Cache-Control HTTP/1.1 header is not yet present.

Post Cache-Control Header

Post Cache-Control Header

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   this website is using post-heck Cache-Control Header.

Precheck Cache-Control Header

Precheck Cache-Control Header

Download List of All Websites using Precheck Cache-Control Header

   this website is using precheck Cache-Control Header.

Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

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   Indicates that once a resource has become stale (e.g. max-age has expired), a cache must not use the response to satisfy subsequent requests for this resource without successful validation on the origin server.


NO Store HTTP Cache-Control

NO Store HTTP Cache-Control

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   The cache should not store anything about the client request or server response.


No Cache Content

No Cache Content

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   Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

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   The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.


XFN 1.1

XFN 1.1

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   XFN is a technical term that is an acronym that stands for “XHTML Friends Network.” This is primarily used by websites that want to create a series of referral links between other websites in order to boost SEO ratings.


Private Cache-Control Header

Private Cache-Control Header

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   The Cache-Control general-header field is used to specify directives for caching mechanisms in both requests and responses. Caching directives are unidirectional, meaning that a given directive in a request is not implying that the same directive is to be given in the response.

Proxy Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

Proxy Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

Download List of All Websites using Proxy Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

   Same as must-revalidate, but it only applies to shared caches (e.g., proxies) and is ignored by a private cache.


NO Transform HTTP Cache-Control

NO Transform HTTP Cache-Control

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   No transformations or conversions should be made to the resource. The Content-Encoding, Content-Range, Content-Type headers must not be modified by a proxy.





Download List of All Websites using PHP

   PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development.


Operating Systems and Servers



Download List of All Websites using Apache

   The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

Document Encoding

Character Encoding :UTF-8

Character Encoding :UTF-8

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   This website is using UTF-8 character encoding in HTML , character encoding is used to represent a repertoire of characters by some kind of encoding system.

Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

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   The Content-Encoding entity header is used to compress the media-type. When present, its value indicates which encodings were applied to the entity-body. It lets the client know how to decode in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header.

Chunked transfer encoding

Chunked transfer encoding

Download List of All Websites using Chunked transfer encoding

   Chunked transfer encoding is a streaming data transfer mechanism available in version 1.1 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In chunked transfer encoding, the data stream is divided into a series of non-overlapping "chunks"

Web Servers

Server partial requests support

Server partial requests support

Download List of All Websites using Server partial requests support

   The Accept-Ranges response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to advertise its support of partial requests. The value of this field indicates the unit that can be used to define a range.


English United State - Language

English United State - Language

Download List of All Websites using English United State - Language

   this website is using English as a language parameter

English - Language

English - Language

Download List of All Websites using English - Language

   this website is using English as a language parameter


Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Content Management System


WordPress (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


WordPress 4.4.18

WordPress 4.4.18 (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Email Hosting Providers

GoDaddy Email

GoDaddy Email

2019-05-27 / 2021-08-16



Google Plus

Google Plus (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27



Jetpack (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


JavaScript Libraries and Functions

Facebook SDK

Facebook SDK (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Twitter API

Twitter API (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Document Standards

Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0

Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Post Cache-Control Header

Post Cache-Control Header (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Precheck Cache-Control Header

Precheck Cache-Control Header (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


NO Store HTTP Cache-Control

NO Store HTTP Cache-Control (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


No Cache Content

No Cache Content (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

2019-05-27 / 2021-08-16


XFN 1.1

XFN 1.1 (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Private Cache-Control Header

Private Cache-Control Header (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Proxy Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control

Proxy Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


NO Transform HTTP Cache-Control

NO Transform HTTP Cache-Control (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27




PHP (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Operating Systems and Servers



2019-05-27 / 2021-08-16


Document Encoding

Character Encoding :UTF-8

Character Encoding :UTF-8 (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

2021-08-16 / 2021-08-16


Chunked transfer encoding

Chunked transfer encoding (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Web Servers

Server partial requests support

Server partial requests support

2021-08-16 / 2021-08-16



English United State - Language

English United State - Language (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


English - Language

English - Language (removed)

2019-05-27 / 2019-05-27


Profile Details

Last technolgie detected on 2021-08-16 We know of 28 technologies on quoteseverlasting.com and 28 technologies detected on quoteseverlasting.com since 2019-05-27.

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