
Find out what technologies uca.edu.ar is using
Email Hosting Providers



Download List of All Websites using SPF

   The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email-authentication technique which is used to prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. With SPF an organisation can publish authorized mail servers.


Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Download List of All Websites using Microsoft Office 365

   Microsoft Office 365 is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that includes Microsoft Office and other services, such as email and collaboration, from Microsoft’s cloud server. Microsoft Office 365 provides desktop functionalities and is available by subscription.



English - Language

English - Language

Download List of All Websites using English - Language

   this website is using English as a language parameter

Operating Systems and Servers

Nginx 1.18.0

Nginx 1.18.0

Download List of All Websites using Nginx 1.18.0

   Nginx is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. The software was created by Igor Sysoev and first publicly released in 2004. A company of the same name was founded in 2011 to provide support and Nginx plus paid software.


Content Delivery Network

Stackpath BootstrapCDN

Stackpath BootstrapCDN

Download List of All Websites using Stackpath BootstrapCDN

   BootstrapCDN is a public content delivery network. Users of BootstrapCDN can load CSS, JavaScript and images remotely, from its servers,encompasses MaxCDN and NetDNA




Download List of All Websites using JSDelivr

   JSDelivr (stylized as jsDelivr) is a free public CDN for open-source projects.



Font Awesome 4.7.0

Font Awesome 4.7.0

Download List of All Websites using Font Awesome 4.7.0

   Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS and LESS. It was made by Dave Gandy for use with Twitter Bootstrap, and later was incorporated into the BootstrapCDN.

Document Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

Download List of All Websites using Gzip Content-Encoding

   The Content-Encoding entity header is used to compress the media-type. When present, its value indicates which encodings were applied to the entity-body. It lets the client know how to decode in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header.

Chunked transfer encoding

Chunked transfer encoding

Download List of All Websites using Chunked transfer encoding

   Chunked transfer encoding is a streaming data transfer mechanism available in version 1.1 of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In chunked transfer encoding, the data stream is divided into a series of non-overlapping "chunks"

Document Standards

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Download List of All Websites using Vary Header Accept-Encoding

   The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.



Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - Width

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - initial-scale

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Viewport  - Mobile compatible

Viewport - Mobile compatible

Download List of All Websites using Viewport - Mobile compatible

   The viewport is the user`s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.


Email Hosting Providers



2019-05-25 / 2023-05-09


Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-09



English - Language

English - Language

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-09


Analytics and Tracking

Google Analytics

Google Analytics (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Operating Systems and Servers

Nginx 1.18.0

Nginx 1.18.0

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Nginx 1.12.1

Nginx 1.12.1 (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Content Delivery Network

Stackpath BootstrapCDN

Stackpath BootstrapCDN

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09




2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09



Font Awesome 4.7.0

Font Awesome 4.7.0

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Google Fonts API

Google Fonts API (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Document Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

Gzip Content-Encoding

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Chunked transfer encoding

Chunked transfer encoding

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-09



Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Viewport  - Mobile compatible

Viewport - Mobile compatible (removed)

2019-05-25 / 2019-05-25


Viewport  - Width

Viewport - Width

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Viewport  - initial-scale

Viewport - initial-scale

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Viewport  - Mobile compatible

Viewport - Mobile compatible

2023-05-09 / 2023-05-09


Document Standards

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

Vary Header Accept-Encoding

2019-05-25 / 2023-05-09


Profile Details

Last technolgie detected on 2023-05-09 We know of 13 technologies on uca.edu.ar and 20 technologies detected on uca.edu.ar since 2019-05-25.

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