Download List of All Websites using favicon.ico
A favicon, also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons, associated with a particular website or web page.
No Cache Content
Download List of All Websites using No Cache Content
Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.
NO Store HTTP Cache-Control
Download List of All Websites using NO Store HTTP Cache-Control
The cache should not store anything about the client request or server response.
Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control
Download List of All Websites using Must Revalidate HTTP Cache-Control
Indicates that once a resource has become stale (e.g. max-age has expired), a cache must not use the response to satisfy subsequent requests for this resource without successful validation on the origin server.
Precheck Cache-Control Header
Download List of All Websites using Precheck Cache-Control Header
this website is using precheck Cache-Control Header.
Post Cache-Control Header
Download List of All Websites using Post Cache-Control Header
this website is using post-heck Cache-Control Header.
Vary Header check for User-Agent
Download List of All Websites using Vary Header check for User-Agent
When using the Vary: User-Agent header, caching servers should consider the user agent when deciding whether to serve the page from cache
Keep-Alive for 60 secs
Download List of All Websites using Keep-Alive for 60 secs
The Keep-Alive general header allows the sender to hint about how the connection may be used to set a timeout and a maximum amount of requests.
Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0
Download List of All Websites using Pragma Header - backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0
The Pragma HTTP/1.0 general header is an implementation-specific header that may have various effects along the request-response chain. It is used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches where the Cache-Control HTTP/1.1 header is not yet present.